23 Sep 2020 |
The building of international air terminal in Cheboksary was built in the sixties. The up-to-date requirements of safety, technological parameters differ greatly from those which were used during construction, and even a structure of passenger flow changed. Previously the airport accommodated small aircrafts: the Soviet airplanes housed from 5 to 60 passengers, and thus, the airport capacity of 100 passengers per hour satisfied demands of interregional transportation. The modern aircrafts are more spacious: 189 passengers – it is an average load of typical Boeing which is mainly operated by airlines and performs flights to the airport of Cheboksary. It is quite clear that the current air terminal capacity is not sufficient, and that influences not only passengers handling but significantly limits the airport during scheduling, and holds passenger flow. Besides, at the present time Rospotrebnadzor requires obligatory fulfillment of preventive antivirus measures, which means social distancing between passengers. To meet this requirement is also difficult, as the space is too little and queues are inevitable during baggage delivery.
In 2015 Aerofuels Group of Companies offered an investment project on Cheboksary air hub development and air terminal building reconstruction. And in 2016 MACh LLC (member of Aerofuels Group of Companies) began to prepare for a wide-scale work. After all required approvals upon land issues, in August 2020 the project of reconstruction passed to Glavgosexpertiza. While the process is in progress, which takes not less than three months according to regulations, contractors have been selected and procurements have started. In the course of reconstruction the second floor will be returned to operation, and besides, the building will be extended due to additional premises construction. Total area will be increased up to 5500 square meters, and the airport capacity – up to 200 passengers per hour.
22 Sep 2020 |
Based on RBC material
From September 21st, 2020, air communication with Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kirgizia will be resumed, and from September 27th – with South Korea. Evacuation flights program will stop. From September 21st Russia resumes air communication with Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kirgizia, and from September 27th – with South Korea, - journalists were informed by the nationwide anti-coronavirus task force.
“Flights to the mentioned countries will be made by mutual consent once a week”, it is said in the message.
The nationwide anti-coronavirus force stated that air communication will be resumed with capitals of four countries: Minsk, Astana, Bishkek and Seoul. Simultaneously from September 21st the evacuation flights program for those stranded abroad during pandemia is cancelled. This was explained by the nationwide anti-coronavirus task force, that due to resumed air communication between countries the Russians have opportunity to return home by regular flights.
“Airplanes returning to Russia after freight, passenger and transit flights will be used as an alternative to the evacuation flights. At the present moment such flights are performed by Aeroflot airline”.
27 Aug 2020 |
Since May, 2020, an alternative refueling complex of Aerofuels Group of Companies has been operating in the airport of Yakutsk. Aerofuels company, an operator of the new TZK, from the very beginning of activities in the Republic of Sakha considered creation of the sound competitive environment in the airport to be one of their priorities. Due to putting into operation of a new operator in the airport of Yakutsk, during last three months the jet fuel and complex of services cost for fuel delivery to the plane wing decreased significantly, about by 26%, and consequently, air lines expenses in aircrafts refueling reduced. Thus, if before Aerofuels activities in the airport the jet fuel cost made 83-86 thousand rubles/ton, in August, 2020, the prices were fixed at a level of 63-65 thousand rubles/ton, including VAT.
Yu.A.Miniaylo, Aerofuels General Director, in his letter to the Republic of Sakha Administration, noted that “due to jet fuel price reduction, the airport of Yakutsk got more attractive, and that will make it possible in the future to attract additional flights of the Russian and international air carriers to the region, which will support development of the inter-regional and international links of the region”.
18 Aug 2020 |
On the 11th of August, 2020, a regional subdivision of Aerofuels in Krasnoyarsk Territory, operating in the airports of Yemelyanovo and Cheremshanka, successfully passed certification of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport within the Voluntary Certification System of the civil aviation facilities. The company proved full conformance to the requirements of the Russian legislation for arrangement of air services aviation fuel supply, including receipt, storage, preparation to delivery, delivery to refueling and refueling of aircrafts with jet fuel.
Today on the territory of Russia Aerofuels Group of Companies has a network consisting of 28 refueling complexes which have been working for many years in compliance with applicable Russian and international regulations and requirements, have their own aviation fuels quality control laboratories, up-to-date aerodrome refuelers fleet and highly skilled personnel.
11 Aug 2020 |
Aeroflot – Russian Airlines became Aerofuels Group of Companies customer in the international airport of Yakutsk. Since the 01st of August, 2020, regular flights of the national air carrier have been refueled by a new alternative TZK of Aerofuels network.
Aerofuels refueling complex has been functioning in the airport since May, 2020. It has an up-to-date aviation fuels depot, new refuelers and qualified personnel. The enterprise renders services meeting the highest Russian and international aviation requirements, and has all required certificates and licenses for refueling activities. At the present time, along with Aeroflot flights, Aerofuels refuels freight flights of Aviastar-TU airlines in Yakutsk.
According to preliminary estimation the alternative up-to-date TZK operation in the international airport of Yakutsk will lead to reduction of air tickets price, and grown of passenger flow in the region due to jet fuel suppliers competition maintaining in the airport.
05 Aug 2020 |
On July 29th, 2020, Aerofuels-Perm, which carries out refueling in the international airport of Perm (Bolshoye Savino), successfully passed certification of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport of Russia. Certification was held within the Voluntary Certification System of the civil aviation facilities, covering receipt, storage, preparation to delivery, delivery to refueling and refueling of aircrafts with jet fuel. For the nearest three years Aerofuels-Perm confirmed full conformance to the Russian legislation requirements applied to arrangement of air services aviation fuel supply by the Federal aviation regulations.
TZK Aerofuels Perm is a member of Aerofuels Group refueling complexes network. The company has been functioning for over 20 years, and is an example of a successful alternative complex on the territory of one of the Russian largest regional aviation hubs – International airport of Perm. Aerofuels Perm carries out a full range of services in receipt, storage, quality control of jet kero, and aircrafts refueling. Attractive price conditions, high level of refueling service enable Aerofuels Perm to serve flights of the leading Russian and international airlines.
24 Jul 2020 |
Just twenty five years ago, on July 24th, 1995, Aerofuels International, the first of the Aerofuels Group of Companies, was founded.
Since that time the company has passed a large and serious path of development, and today is justifiably recognized as one of the main suppliers of services in airplanes refueling in the international airports throughout the world. Due to its unique business-model and staff of professionals, Aerofuels International succeeds in working with the leading Russian and international air-carriers – members of top-50 world aviation lines, thus guaranteeing its customers the best conditions of refueling practically anywhere in the world. Concerning aviation fuel supply we cooperate with the largest transnational oil companies, leading international and regional aviation fuel suppliers, which proves the highest partners’ confidence having been gained over the last years.
In 2020 Aerofuels Group of Companies means not only refueling in the international airports, but also it is a vast network of their own refueling complexes in Russia, the up-to-date industrial and technical base and highly professional and qualified personnel. Efficient management, investments in new technological solutions in the field of refueling, and their gradual implementation in the Group of Companies enterprises enable Aerofuels to build large-scale plans on further development of TZK network and entry into new markets.
09 Jul 2020 |
On June 29th, 2020, TZK Irkutsk (Aerofuels Group of Companies) extended the Certificate of conformity for jet kero receipt, storage, delivery, and aircrafts refueling with jet fuel in the international airport of Irkutsk. Certification was held by the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport of Russia within the Voluntary Certification System of the civil aviation facilities. The refueling complex proved conformance to the requirements for arrangement of the whole complex of services in aircrafts refueling with jet kero and anti-icing fluid in accordance with the Federal aviation regulations.
TZK Irkutsk is a member of Aerofuels Group refueling complexes network. It was opened in 2002 and became one the first alternative TZK in Russia. TZK Irkutsk fully satisfies the current Russian and international requirements; it has its own aviation fuels quality control laboratory, up-to-date aerodrome refuelers fleet, and offers its customers the competitive price conditions and high-level service.
TZK Irkutsk is an example of a successful alternative complex operation in a large Russian regional international airport.
25 May 2020 |
On the 22nd of May, 2020 Aerofuels carried out the first refueling of Aviastar-Tu cargo airline flight as a new operator in the airport of Yakutsk. Traditionally to mark this event the airport Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) greeted TU-204 with a water arc.
In 2018 the Republic of Sakha administration and the airport of Yakutsk management contacted Aerofuels Group of Companies with a proposal to create an alternative refueling company in the airport in order to develop competition in the refueling services market. Aerofuels was invited to involve in this large-scale project, because today they are one of the largest refueling operators and have a unique experience in alternative TZK distribution over the territory of Russia. All Aerofuels refueling complexes are equipped with the up-to-date equipment and provide full conformance of aviation fuel refueling services to the Russian and international industry-specific standards and norms. The longstanding work experience of the company demonstrates that as soon as an alternative refueler has come to the airport the fuel price is decreasing by 15 – 20% in average, which generally has a favorable effect on airlines business life.
22 May 2020 |
This article is based on NEWS.YKT.RU website
The airplane to be refueled the first by a new operator was traditionally greeted with a water arc in the airport.
According to the Republic Administration request and in order to improve customers’ service quality creating the competitive environment, the airport of Yakutsk attracted to cooperation Aerofuels, the largest refueling company in Russia.
Aviastar-Tu cargo airline became the first customer of the refueling company in Yakutsk. To commemorate the first Aerofuels refueling the airport of Yakutsk Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) greeted TU-204 with a water arc. They used 3 tons of water for greeting. The international tradition to pass the airplane through a water arc relates to remarkable events and that which is going on for the first time.
Involvement of alternative refueling complexes corresponds to the action plan for competition development and improvement of antimonopoly policy. That is one of the key areas of activity to be implemented within Yakutsk Airport Development Strategy till 2032
24 Mar 2020 |
All Nippon Airways (ANA), one of the largest air carriers of Japan, started the flights from Tokyo to Vladivostok from the 20th of March, 2020, and became the first airline of the Land of the Rising Sun on this route.
“ANA has been aiming at expansion in Russia for a long time, and we chose Vladivostok to be our first destination point in Russia, because it serves as gates connecting Eurasia and the Pacific Ocean”, Seiichi Takahashi, Senior Vice-President of ANA, noted.
Turnaround flights from Tokyo (Narita) to Vladivostok are made twice a week by A320neo airplanes designed two-class for 8 seats in the business-class cabin and 136 seats in the economy class cabin. Tickets for this route are now available.
12 Mar 2020 |
In February 2020 Nordwind airline launched a new route from Kurgan to Moscow (Sheremetyevo airport). The flights are operated by up-to-date Embraer-190 designed to carry 110 passengers. UTAIR started the first regular flight from Kurgan to Moscow (Vnukovo airport) in late 2011, and in January 2020 direct flights to Surgut and Khanty-Mansyisk were added. A convenient flight connection in the airports of the Moscow air hub enables passengers to reach Kurgan from many other Russian cities within Nordwind and UTAIR route network.
According to preliminary prognosis in 2020 the passenger flow is expected to increase by 40% in the airport (with regard to transit and transfer passengers) in comparison with the results of 2019.
The airport of Kurgan is a member of Aerofuels Group of Companies; it possesses a complex of administrative buildings and structures, tank farm, refuelers, its own single-ended siding, unloading rack and loading point. Aerofuels Kurgan refueling complex carries out refueling using certified equipment meeting all applicable standards and requirements, which provides high-quality aviation kerosene, its loading, storage and further delivery to the refueler. At the present time Aerofuels is carrying out a large-scale upgrading of the airport facilities which will be completed in October-November 2020.
03 Feb 2020 |
 According to Federal Air Transport Agency information the Russian airlines carried over 128,1 million passengers for 2019, and that exceeds last year similar period figures by 10,3%. The passenger flow for 12 months has achieved 322,98 billion passenger-kilometers, the growth makes +12,6%. The growth of domestic operations has also remained: during the last year it was carried 73 million passengers, which is 57 % of the total volume of the transferred passengers for 2019. The Russian airlines carried more than 55 million passengers at the international destinations, which also demonstrates positive trends.
In a matter of December 2019 the airlines transferred over 8,8 million people, which is almost 5% greater than for December 2018.
(Based on AviaPages website of 27.01. 2020)
25 Dec 2019 |
 On December 18th, 2019, Aerofuels Blagoveshchensk received a new Certificate of Conformity for jet fuel supply of air services in the international airport of Blagoveshchensk. The Certificate confirms that the company meets all Federal Aviation Regulations requirements for arrangement of the whole set of services for aircraft refueling with jet kero and anti-icing fluid, including jet kero acceptance, storage, preparation for unloading, unloading and aircrafts refueling. Certification was held within the civil aviation facilities Voluntary Certification System of the Ministry of Transport of Russia.
Aerofuels Blagoveshchensk, a member of 28 refueling complexes network belonging to Aerofuels Group of Companies, possesses up-to-date refueling equipment and skilled personnel. TZK guarantees to its customers a high quality certified fuel supply having passed all required laboratory tests and inspections using the equipment which meets the Russian and international standards.
23 Dec 2019 |
 The Russian aviation lines carried about 120 million passengers for eleven months of 2019. The traffic volume growth exceeded 10% in comparison with the similar last year period, and passenger turnover increased by 13%.
According to Federal Air Transport Agency information, only in November this year the growth of passenger traffic (compared with November 2018) made 4%, and the passenger turnover reached 23,6 billion of passenger-kilometers, which is 9% greater than November 2018 passenger performance metrics.
For information: in 2017 the Russian aviation lines carried 105 million passengers, in 2018 – 116 million passengers, and in 2019, according to preliminary estimates, the ridership will approach to 129 million.