Enlarge | New fuel depot in Ulan-Ude airport |
06 Dec 2019 |
 During a period from 2000 till 2010-2011 the naphtha-based aviation fuel was sold in the European Fuel Exchanges at the prices consistently exceeding the prices for the kerosene-based aviation fuel: averagely, the difference in products cost achieved 250%. On the basis of this tendency having been kept for a long period of time the aviation fuels market experts and analysts predicted further growth of naphtha-based aviation fuel price up to 270-280% of kero price.
But for the last decade significant changes occurred in these petroleum products cost ratio. In the Baltic States and Poland new different grade naphtha-based aviation fuel manufacturing factories were opened, and due to new manufacturers appearance in the European market the naphtha-based aviation fuel prices began to decrease. By early 2019 they practically got equal but in November this year the naphtha-based aviation fuel was quoted significantly cheaper than the kerosene-based aviation fuel in Exchanges. Thus, for example, based on the latest trading data of the Northwest European Fuel Exchange it is known that the cost of the kerosene-based aviation fuel made about 620 US dollars/ton and the cost of the naphtha-based aviation fuel made 603 US dollars/ton.
31 Oct 2019 |
 Aerofuels Kamchatka refueling complex (TZK) has prolonged air services jet fuel supply and aviation fuels quality control Conformity Certificates in the international airport of Yelizovo (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) for three years – up to the end of 2022. Certification was held in October within the civil aviation facilities Certification System by the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport of Russia. During the inspection was noted a high professional level of the personnel of the company which nowadays is a flagship in the field of aircraft refueling specialists training in the Far Eastern District.
Aerofuels Kamchatka TZK is a member of 28 refueling complexes network of Aerofuels Group and has been successfully operating in the airport of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for more than ten years. It became the first regional alternative TZK over the post-Soviet territory having been built from Greenfield and meeting both Russian and international standards. TZK possesses its own aviation fuels quality control laboratory and up-to-date aerodrome refuelers fleet. It guarantees to its customers a high quality certified fuel supply having passed all required inspections.
30 Oct 2019 |
The International Airport of Cheboksary company (MACh LLC) prolonged the fuel and lubricant laboratory Certificate of Conformity for quality control of the aviation fuels, lubricants and special fluids refueled by the company to aircrafts in the airport of Cheboksary. The inspection was held in October 2019 within the Voluntary Certification System of the civil aviation facilities. The Certificate issued on 28.10.2019 confirms that works executed by the laboratory on quality control at all stages of jet fuel supplies to aircrafts fully conform to the Federal Aviation Regulations provisions requirements.
The quality control laboratory in the airport of Cheboksary is one of 14 operating in the refueling complexes of Aerofuels network.
All of them are furnished with up-to-date equipment, pass regular inspections within the Voluntary Certification System of the civil aviation facilities and always confirm a high level of complex services in quality control of TC-1, PT, JetA-1 aviation fuels and special fluids.
The International Airport of Cheboksary company (MACh LLC) has been a member of Aerofuels Group of Companies since 2016.
The airport of Cheboksary is a federal international airport. Besides regular flights it operates special purpose flights (rotation based) to the towns of the northern regions.
15 Oct 2019 |
One of the tasks put by President Vladimir Putin for the Government based on the State Council meeting of 04.09.2019 is provision of compensation of additional fuels costs suffered by aviation lines in 2018. As stated in the List of President’s Instructions, funds for that shall be allocated from the reserve fund before the 01st of November.
The jet kero price growth which in 2018 was more than 40% is one of the main factors impacting on work efficiency in this field of industry and directly influencing the air travel tariffs growth and aviation lines costs increase.
10 Oct 2019 |
This November the next stage of works on refueling complexes (TZK) of Aerofuels network upgrading will be completed.
During the year in the airports of Saint Petersburg (Pulkovo), Irkutsk, Izhevsk, Kirov, Ulan-Ude, Ufa and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk large-scale works on fuel facilities re-equipping, including fuel metering system process equipment replacement, new refuelers delivery and up-to-date laboratory devices installation, have been carried out. Total amount of investments in 2019 made 275 million rubles.
Most part of the executed works is directly associated with updating and improvement of aviation security system, i.e. the whole complex of measures and resources aiming for provision of a stable and safe work of TZK, airports and air carriers. Aerofuels Group of Companies always pays a special attention to improvement of transport safety level at their enterprises and invests significant funds for that.
23 Aug 2019 |
This August in Europe in all Fuels Exchanges there has been observed fuel products price volatility: thus, aviation fuels price has been fluctuating within a range from 590 to 648 US dollars per ton since the beginning of the month. As on August 20th, an average exchange price was 608 US dollars per ton. Today the remaining volatility in the market determines increasing consumers’ risks, including aviation lines, associated with pricing imbalance, which causes additional costs growth. But experts consider that in the immediate future the European aviation fuels prices will get steady, which will improve air carriers’ economics and flight cost for passengers.
18 Jul 2019 |
Aerofuels Group of Companies investment program for 2020-2022 is agreed upon and approved. The total amount of investments for three years, according to Aerofuels specialists’ research, is 1 billion 50 million rubles, which exceeds last year indexes. The program basically aims at construction of new and re-equipping of operating refueling complexes (TZK) in the Russian airports, including related infrastructure.
The following areas of investment are marked as priority:
- delivery of up-to-date aerodrome refuelers and truck tanks to Aerofuels network TZK. During the nearest three years it is planned to buy 12 refuelers of 20 – 45 m3 capacity equipped with reliable components of the domestic and import manufacture;
- construction and commissioning of two new and re-equipping of four current quality control laboratories (including installation of up-to-date laboratory devices);
- general renewal of fuel facilities and infrastructure in several TZK.
Aerofuels investment plan, first of all, aims at provision of a high level of flights safety due to a full set of services in airplanes refueling offered to airlines. At the same time, it is important for the company to have a full set of aviation fuel supply services complied with the requirements of the most demanding customer, which means a strict conformance to the Russian and international standards of aviation fuel quality, its transportation and storage conditions, and means for into-plane refueling.
15 Jul 2019 |
Today TZK Aerofuels, one of the oldest companies of Aerofuels Group of Companies, celebrates their twentieth anniversary. Over the last years TZK Aerofuels became one of the key branch players in the Russian aviation fuel supply market having refueled thousands of the Russian and international airlines flights in over 30 Russian airports. Thanks to professional and efficient work with their counterparties the company deservedly enjoys their customers’ confidence, and has a reliable partner reputation.
A special point in TZK Aerofuels activities deals with the study and application of the up-to-date world achievements in air carriers refueling in the network of their own refueling complexes (TZK) located both in large and small regional airports. The company follows high international standards in aviation fuel refueling processes arrangement and uses the most up-to-date business solutions based on the leading manufacturing and engineering.
All enterprises and companies, members of Aerofuels Group of Companies, congratulate TZK Aerofuels on that lovely and remarkable date and wish further growth and wealth to the company!
09 Jul 2019 |
The Russian Government, Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Finance currently continue discussing the issues concerning jet kero prices control and measures for domestic air carriers support. For example, compensation of expenses arising out of the tax manoeuvre to the Russian oil VICs (vertical-integrated companies), aviation fuel price freezing, as well as increase of the re-excise duty for jet kero to be used by domestic airlines are under consideration as high priority measures.
Aerofuels Group of Companies, currently offering refueling in 28 Russian airports through their own refueling network and possessing a vast experience in that field, applied to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia with their proposal on aviation fuel prices reduction and domestic air carriers support.
10 Jun 2019 |
Late last year a collection of the most popular songs by Vladimir Vysotsky, as well as other authors, translation into English was published.
Unique translations were made by Alexander Spiridonov, Chairman of the Board of Aerofuels International, a successful businessman, a translator and a man creative in his all undertakings and projects. The book had a lively response of the readers and was highly appreciated by professionals, leading professors of the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation of Moscow State Linguistic University.
According to S.V.Brand, Senior Professor of Department of English language Translation and Interpretation, one of the merits of the translations offered to readers is that “they are skillfully sustained in the relevant meter and number in line with the rhyme”, thanks to which texts in English can be easily put to original music. Accurate reproduction of images born by the Russian and Soviet environment of the 20th century enables a foreigner, not familiar with the primary texts, in some degree to feel a power and depth of the original works, and enables the Russian-speaking reader to open favorite and so familiar songs in a new way and quite unexpectedly.
06 Jun 2019 |
On May 21st Aerofuels Ulyanovsk JSC for the second time got the Certificate of Conformity for jet fuel supply of air services in the international airport of Kol’tsovo (Yekaterinburg). The Certificate confirms that Aerofuels Ulyanovsk meets all requirements for arrangement of the whole complex of services for aircrafts refueling with jet kero and anti-icing fluid according to the Federal Aviation Regulations. Certification was held within the civil aviation facilities Voluntary Certification System of the Ministry of Transport of Russia.
Aerofuels Ulyanovsk has been refueling flights of the Russian and international airlines in the airport of Kol’tsovo since January 2016. The Company possesses their own jet fuel, up-to-date refuelers, and offers to their customers advantageous price conditions, as well as quick high-quality service satisfying the Russian and international standards.
Aerofuels Ulyanovsk is a member of the refueling complexes network of Aerofuels Group, and for more than ten years has been successfully operating in the airport of Ulyanovsk-Vostochny with a high quality refueling of the Russian and international air carriers being guaranteed. TZK is equipped with the up-to-date refueling equipment, has its own fuel-oil depot located on the territory of the airport, and a railway siding making it possible to deliver oil products regularly and uninterruptedly.
29 May 2019 |
On May 22nd the experimental aircraft MS-21-300 equipped with a passenger lounge having made a non-stop flight from Irkutsk arrived at Ulyanovsk for painting by series technologies. After works executed by Spektr-Avia, Ulyanovsk company, in the airport of Ulyanovsk-Vostochny, the airplane started off for the airport of Ramenskoye (the town of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region) where flight tests will continue on the territory of the aerodrome of Gromov Flight Research Institute.
Before flying to the airport of Ramenskoye MS-21-300 was refueled by Aerofuels Ulyanovsk, one of the oldest subsidiary companies of Aerofuels Group of Companies.
MS-21 (a long-range aircraft of the XXI century) belongs to a new generation passenger airplanes targeted at a mass segment of the world airliners market. At the present time within the program aircraft MS-21-300 (160-211 seats) and aircraft MS-21-200 (130-176 seats) are under design.
22 May 2019 |
In May 2019 in the city of Gomel (Republic of Belarus) an international football tournament was held (11 õ 11 format) with participation of over 20 teams from several countries, six of them having got through to the final round. In the gold-medal match Aerofuels football players managed to win against Bumprom team (Gomel) in a tough struggle for victory by a score of 3:1.
IFK Spartak (Moscow) won the third place in the tournament.
From all our heart we would like to congratulate our football-players on winning the match – they have been winners of different home and international games for many times!
20 May 2019 |
In April 2018 International Airport of Cheboksary (MACh LLC) got a new Certificate confirming the company’s conformance to the requirements for airport activities management. The Certificate was issued by the Federal Agency for Air Transport of Russia for a period of five years.
MACh LLC has been a member of Aerofuels Group of Companies since 2016. From January to April 2019 the company handled over 100 thousand passengers, and, thus, passenger traffic flow increased to 44% in comparison with the previous period.
The airport of Cheboksary is a federal international airport. Besides regular flights from the airport there are special-purpose flights (under a rotation system) to the cities of the Northern regions. The company’s management and staff are working at geographic growth of domestic and international flights and improvement of quality of the services rendered by the airport.
17 May 2019 |
In the first half of May, 2019, after a period of growth, the European prices for oil products are steadily keeping the balanced level: today an average cost of the aviation fuel in the North-European Exchange is 670 US dollars/ton, and in the Mediterranean Exchange it is 650 US dollars/ton.
Balance kept in the market enables Russian airlines operating flights to Europe to plan aircrafts refueling costs more accurately and optimal, which in the immediate future will have a positive impact on the carriage cost and, consequently, will increase demand.